Friday, July 9, 2021

 Plum  Benefits Fruits 

Plum is a fruit , purple in colour from outside and after peeling seems yellow pulp and single seed found inside it. Plum  taste is sweet and sour , which is so delicious  that is why people love to eat Plum.

Plum also known with many other names such as Alucha or Aloo Bhukhara.

It belong to “Rosaceae family”  and related to cherries and peach. Its scientific name is “Prunus domestica”.

Plum is eaten in worldwide but grown mostly in southeastern Asian countries such as Afghanistan, China , India .Also grown in Japan, America. 


Plum fruit are eaten fresh as dessert fruit, use as dry fruit, use to make Jam ,Cake , Pastries , caramel, etc. Some Wine made through plum fruit.

Plum Benefits  fruit 

Top 10  Benefits of eating Plum.

  1. Good for Heart Health
  2. Reduce risk of cancer 
  3. Control blood sugar level
  4. Good for Bone Health 
  5. Reduce Cholesterol 
  6. Reduce Weight 
  7. Good for Vision 
  8. Improve Immunities 
  9. Good source of Antioxidant 
  10. Reduce rick of Brain Stroke 


plum side effect 

Plum fruit have lots of benefit but there are some side effects also 

Most of the people don’t know is there any side effect of Plum 

Which you can read here on Herbs Science

Read more here 

how to use plum?

Plum calories 

Nutrients value in Plum 


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